Projects / Cartoons

This whole website is basically a space for me to gather my projects to one place.

The Honeybee is a short cartoon for children who are learning to play music.

It’s themed around the Honeybee song, which is found in the curriculum of the Suzuki method. My kid is learning to play the piano, which is what inspired this cartoon.

The numbers on the flowers (5, 4 and 3) are to mark the position of the fingers on the piano (5 is the pinky, 4 is the ring finger and 3 is the middle finger).

The bee then jumps in harmony with the tune to the corresponding space on the five-line staff/stave, helping children to make sense of and/or memorise the notes.
Creative Commons License
Jokeboy by Skeptlorist is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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